Friday, August 3, 2007


Venus and Florida flew into the United United States in the month of July of 1983, in just less than a month after I left. The money I had quickly raised was more than enough for Venus' airline ticket and some to be left for the children and my brother Fred and his family who was going to take care of the children during our absence. At this time, Venus was seven month pregnant to Damariz and looked unmistakingly big. It was impossible to hide her pregnancy, which was a concern for her going into the United States as a visitor, especially so that her reason for coming was to speak in churches. But all that was going to be taken cared off by prayer.

There were now four children born into my family and they will all be left alone in the Philippines with my brother Fredo and Manang Rosa as the guardian. Chin was now eleven years old and in grade 5, Chic, 9, Jones, 7, and Juven, almost 2. Venus and Florida came into Los Angeles as their port of entry and Venus had to hide her belly with a big sweater. Thank God they came through and they were all jubilant. They were repeating to each other their disbelief that they finally had come into the land of Paradise. They took a connecting flight to New York where they were met by Charlo Almeda, their brother. Their arrival was such a moment of rejoicing because the dream of being able to come to the United States has finally come to fulfillment. Venus' father and mother and two sisters were already in the United States, along with Reren, their other brother. They were recounting their experiences, exchanging their testimonies with one another about how God really had been a good God to them. So, during that time, I was in Indiana, the four children back in the Philippines, and Venus in New York, with Damariz in her womb.

In Indiana, with Bro. Cavaness, Sr., I was treated very royally. Bro. Cavaness, being the main innovator in sending Bro. Willhoite to the Philippines was happy to see me, the by-product of that effort. He took me around to the churches in the area of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, after I had spoken in his church. When I finished preaching around the area, and getting ready to fly to New York, I was able to raise about $3,000. That was phenomenal. I got into the country in June and in just a period of about three months, all in all, the money I got from the churches was about $5,000. And at that time that was a lot.

I joined Venus in New York at the end of August, so we had not seen each other only for about two months time. I landed in JFK and Atty. Charlo picked me up. What a reunion and what a rejoicing. Just a few months before coming to America this thing was only a dream. Obviously God was in all of this and His plans had got to be fulfilled in our lives. The next day we went around the city, riding subways, and riding buses, visiting the United Nations building and seeing the Statue of Liberty by way of the Staten Island Ferry. And on the following Sunday I preached at the Harbor Road Pentecostal Tabernacle pastored by Rev. Robert Carter. Robert Carter's church was the church of the Almedas, Venus parents. We made friends with the people and they were rejoicing that we could come to the United States. Then Bro. Carter introduced me to other churches in the area and I preached in these churches. Everything was New York and New Jersey, we had heard of these places back in the Philippines so many times as Venus family, along with Pastor Wilde Almeda, whose church at that time was exploding in growth, was always in communication with the U.S. folk. Our nights seemed like it was still day. There was no stopping of sharing about God's goodness.

Then the Fall season came and we began to experience the cold. We adjusted our clothes from Summer to Winter, and brazed for what was to come. And one night in the outset of October 1983 Venus felt pain and was rushed to Staten Island Hospital. The baby was due and on October 2, 1983 a new healthy girl was added to the Ayudtud family born in the United States of America and to have the utter privilege of being an American citizen. The parents were tourists and so Damariz got late in coming but much ahead in citizenship. Damariz was different in looks as a baby than the other children when they were born as she was darker and with a face that appeared upset. News was broadcast all over that Damariz was born, we called Bro. Cavaness, Bro. Haymon, and of course the children in the Philippines.

Because of schedules already planned ahead of time and in a rush to go back to the Philippines, Damariz traveled with us even when she was only less that 15 days old. Our first stop was in Titusville, Pennsylvania, using Greyhound Bus as our means of transportation. Florida was with us. She wanted to come along and see places. Pastor Watson met us at the bus station, with his wife. He was over seven feet tall while she was barely five feet tall. Though big in size he was soft spoken. They treated us very especially and we were given a very good offering. It was in Titusville that we saw the first oil well in the United States.

Our next stop after Titusville was at Bro. Jacks in Newark, Ohio and then at Bro. & Sis. Edwards in Logan, Ohio. The Edwards were very kind to us, simple country folk with a real big heart. Then after we left Logan, we boarder a Greyhound Bus to Shellbyville, Indiana. I was back again at Bro. Cavaness, Sr's church. They were more anxious to see me this time because Venus and Damariz were with me, and with Florida. Bro. Cavaness picked us up at the Greyhound Bus terminal in Indianapolis and took us straight to his house. That evening we went to service and the people were very happy to hear Venus speak. Florida also shared her testimony and I preached. By now they were more familiar with me, since I had been in their church before. We stayed with the Cavanesses about two days and then we moved on to another place. This time we went to Colombia, Tennessee to preach at the church of Bro. Henry Mobley. As usual people entertained us and were happy to listen to us. And as usual we left the place with a good offering.

After going to a lot more places in Kentucky, in Tennesse, and in Alabama, our last stop was to be with Bro. & Sis. Charles Hanchey, our former missionary to the Philippines, in Ferriday, Louisiana. They were very excited to see us for they already knew that we had gotten a Visa and that we were going to see them. At this time Venus and I had to go back to the Philippines and we decided to leave Damariz with Florida who was going to be staying with the Hanchey's for the time being, and to look for work. By this time, Damariz was over a month old. We hated to leave her behind but it was needful at that time that we go back to the Philippines without her. We brought lots of stuffs to take with us to the Philippines. Chin, Chic, and Jones, had their instructions what to bring for them. For Jones, all the toys in the world. For Chin and Chic, all the Barbie dolls. It happened that because of more schedules that I had to meet, Venus was the only one that flew back home. I had to stay behind and would follow several days after. I saw Venus off of New Orleans airport, and then I went to the church of Bro. Bervick Spell in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

1 comment:

Damariz said...

Very nice Dad. What a wonderful first time coming to America story with my birth too!